Become a Certified Fertility Coach!


The Wholesome Fertility Method ®️


Take the guess work out of navigating the fertility world!

Get immediate access to tools that will help you get started on your fertility business


The demand for fertility practitioners is growing by the day!

Fertility coaches and professionals specializing in fertility are in high demand due to the unfortunate reality that so many couples are struggling to start a family. 

When you are in a position to help these couples, nothing can be more rewarding!

If you feel called to become a fertility coach, or you are a practitioner such as an acupuncturist who is looking to specialize in fertility and don't know where to begin, this program is for you!

This online program is designed to:


Train you to become a fertility coach and get certified with The Wholesome Fertility Method®️




Learn how to customize protocols including nutrition, supplements, and mindset tools for your fertility clients



Get familiar with the world of infertility from IVF and labs, to  medical conditions attributed to the infertility diagnosis


The struggle is real...

Even with my background in Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, and Hypnotherapy, I struggled for many years to understand the complexity of the fertility world. 

  • Every time I thought I finally had a grasp, I would learn about a new condition!
  • It took me years of research to keep up with the different supplements and why some can have adverse effects in specific conditions.
  • With so many conflicting diets, it is so hard to figure out how to guide patients / clients trying to conceive!
  • Navigating the legalities of being a fertility coach and where to find contracts to create when setting up can be daunting.
  • Knowing how to guide clients who are already overwhelmed with too much information is an art - but I have your back on this!

Here's the truth

The fertility coaching business is blooming...

I began specializing in the fertility niche because I just knew I was meant to do it.  When I witnessed my patients and coaching clients actualize their dreams of starting their family after years of struggling, I realized just how important this type of work is!


Meet your teacher

Hi, I'm Michelle


I am a previous architect turned acupuncturist who is obsessed with helping couples get pregnant!

I host a top rated podcast called "The Wholesome Fertility Podcast" which has featured experts such as Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Bruce Lipton, and Dr. Jill Blakeway.  

Needless to say I love what I do and am now helping patients in person as well as coaching clients internationally in order to help them conceive.  

After years of practice, I have made it my mission to not only improve fertility health but also tranform lives.

But it wasn't always this way...


It took me years to overcome my imposter syndrome and organize a method that truly made a difference.

I learned quickly that there's a fine line between overwhelming your patients with too much information and finding ease while getting powerful results.

That is why I decided to save others the time and heartache that I endured so that more fertility coaches can learn to support couples trying to conceive.

"If you're looking to treat fertility patients and do not know where to begin, I highly suggest you take this course.  Prior to taking Michelle's course I spent countles hours researching and learning what I could on my own and when I came across this course, it was one place that gave me access to everything I needed to learn to help my patients right away."

Dr. Alyssa Easley DACM, L.Ac


The Wholesome Fertility Method ®️ 

for Practitioners

A seven week fertility coaching certification created for those who want to become fertility coaches or health practitioners who want to specialize in fertility wellness.

Step by step guidance to teach you how to become a fertility coach

You will be guided on how to implement coaching sessions for your clients which will include customized fertility protocols. 

Resources to start your business and what you'll need to consider if you aren't a licensed practitioner

As with any business, there are so many details that need to be considered.  This course will provide important resources for you to get started.

Private community of successful fertility coaches & practitioners

I am proud to say that some of the best fertility practitioners are past students of my program - and you will have access to pick their brains (as well as mine) in our private, members only facebook group!

Pre-made handouts that you can provide your clients

This may be a favorite amongst my graduates!  You will have immediate access to pdf's of recipes, guides, journal prompts, and more that you can share with your clients!  This alone will save you so much time!

Listed as one of the best Fertility Coaching Certification Programs on:

Here's what you'll learn

Everything you need to achieve your goal of getting pregnant!

Module 1

Getting to know your client

Understanding your client is the heart of your fertility practice. Couples on this journey endure loss and heartbreak, it cannot be underestimated that they are deserving of the utmost sensitivity - which unfortunately they don't always receive from their community.  In this section I provide a few resources on how you can better understand those on the fertility journey.  I also share my own fertility intake and guide on fertility coaching week by week. 

Module 2

The fertility language

In this module, I share the most conditions that cause fertility challenges. I attach pdf's as resources of both conditions as well as common fertility acronyms that are often found online and are used for some medical conditions. 

Module 3

Fertility Tests & Treatments

Whether you are working with patients or clients - you will be hearing a lot about the tests and treatments that many couples go though.  You will also be advocating for your clients and in order to do so will need to know if there are tests they should ask their doctors.  This module also covers fertility treatments available from both conventional and alternative medicines.

Module 4

Fertility Detox Protocol

Education on clean products is paramount to help fertility clients!  Many toxins and xenoestrogens in their products may in fact be the reason they are experiencing fertility challenges.  I have included an e-book that explains what these ingredients are and how to avoid them.  This module also shares pdf's with some gentle detox protocols and recipes that you can share with your clients.

Module 5

The Menstrual Cycle

The menstrual cycle is at the center of fertility for women!  It is important to understand what is in the normal range and what should be investigated by a physician.  In this lesson, I include the different parts of the menstrual cycles as well as what they mean and how to observe them. I share how to guide clients to begin a BBT charting practice and how doing so may reveal valuable information about their cycles.  I also share information about the fertile window, cervical mucus, and important supplements that can help with regulating the menstrual cycle.  

Module 6

Fertility Supplements & Diet

In this lesson, I share some diet protocols for specific conditions as well as foods that have been found in studies to improve chances of fertility as well as what has been found to have an adverse affect.  I included a cheat sheet, a fertility diet e-book, and a food journal for you to use with your fertility clients / patients. I also cover important supplements that can help a range of specific fertility conditions, and why some should be avoided in certain conditions. 

Module 7

Fertility Mindset

Mindset is super important for those on the fertility journey as many will be challenged greatly by the process. This journey can cause anxiety, fear, and hopelessness, so providing resources for your clients to help them get through this time with coping skills is paramount.  This lesson covers an understanding of how the conscious and subconscious mind affect habits and mindset as well as ways to implement these tips to lesson the overwhelm. 

After taking this course, you will...

  • Be skilled with the interview process of getting to know your clients and planning a coaching program for them.
  • Know common conditions and diagnoses that contribute to infertility.
  • Understand what foods and supplements work to support and manage specific conditions that impact fertility health.
  • Learn the different treatment options (conventional and alternative) so that you can guide your patients and / or coaching clients.
  • Understand how to customize mindset tools in order to create ease for your patient / client's fertility journey.
  • Know how to set yourself apart as a fertility coach / practitioner and know how to get visibility to grow your fertility business.
  • And much more!

N. Renee Fudge, L.Ac

"The fertility course with Michelle is a wonderful way to get started on expanding your fertility practice. If you are an acupuncturist or a fertility coach that is interested in learning about fertility supplements and the power of mindset, then this is a course for you! Michelle is a top notch teacher!"

Monica Bivas, IVF Coach

“Michelle's course is absolutely outstanding!  It explains in detail each aspect that any fertility coach or practitioner must know for their field.  The approach includes everything from detailed videos to guides and recorded Q&A calls with the students.  Every module is clear and to the point.  I couldn't be happier to finally find a "real" fertility course to get certified with and will apply my knowledge to all of my clients.”

And there is more!

When you enroll, you'll also get these awesome bonuses:

Bonus #1

BONUS Marketing Module

Many healers and coaches are so passionate about healing, but don't know how to get their message out there.  This bonus lesson shares some of the tools I have learned from trial and error that work well for both online and brick and mortar businesses. 


Bonus #2

PDF's of Recipes & Protocols

You will be loaded with bonus PDF's and protocols which you can have immediately to hand out to your clients.  This will save you TONS of time!




Bonus #3

Fertility Supporting Food Cheat Sheets

You will get a food cheat sheet of lists of foods that support a healthy reproductive cycle, hormone balance, and lowering inflammation!  




Tori Quisling, Rapid Fertility Transformation,

"I am a clairvoyant and RTT hypnotherapist with a specialty in the spiritual and mind aspects of fertility. I enrolled in Michelle's Wholesome Fertility Method Certification Program to increase my knowledge and expertise in all aspects of fertility such as the medical conditions, acronyms used, menstrual cycle, diet and supplements and gain more ways to support women and couples. Michelle created a well-organized and highly informative program. I also worked with her 1:1 and she was so helpful in improving my fertility coaching business, website and more. I have learned so much from her and am very glad I did her course." 


This is possible for you too.

You Can Have a Thriving Fertility Coaching Business!


Join The Wholesome Fertility Method®️ Online Program for Practitioners

Click the enrollment button and follow the checkout steps. In minutes, you'll get an email will your login details.



Dive in and take action to start your fertility business!

Dive into the program and you'll find immediate action items. Can’t start right away? It's okay, you have lifetime access to the course.





Make a living doing something that is both meaningful and lucrative!

Gone are the days that we have to choose purpose or money!  You create immense value as a coach that is truly transformational.  Nothing compares to the joy you feel at the news of a pregnancy after your client endured a long road of despair!


Stephani Garcia, Fertility Coach

“Learning from Michelle's Wholesome Fertility Method Certification Program, has been the best investment. I have been very interested in fertility and was hesitant to pick a program. I loved how her program hits on every aspect of health, mind and body, and includes soul/spiritual. Such great information and she gives you the tool to help learn how to start applying it. I am truly thankful :)"

This is for you if you:

  • Are looking for a rewarding job that has the potential for enormous growth.
  • Are a health practitioner such as an acupuncturist and are not sure where to start when it comes to specializing in fertility.
  • Are going through the fertility journey yourself and want to learn for you and support others as well (most of my students fit this description!)
  • Want to work for yourself and have the freedom it will afford you!
  • Realize that the fertility coaching is booming and want to get in as early as possible!
  • Want to add an extra source of income to your in person practice and coach online as well! (we all learned why this is a good idea after the pandemic!) 

This is not for you if:

  • Aren't able to commit yourself to complete this training.
  • Are not ready to invest money for your business growth.
  • Are only doing this for the money.
  • Don't feel aligned with this type of work.

Dr. Kela Smith, Fertility & Hormone Coach / Author

“I had the pleasure of working with Michelle and taking her fertility course and I couldn’t be more excited with what I learned.  She really goes into detail about many fertility topics that most trainings don’t and is very thorough in her explanations so it’s super easy to learn.  She is also such a heart warrior and has such a passion for this work it really shines through in her program.  If you are looking to become a fertility coach or add fertility coaching to your practice, you will definitely want to enroll in this certification.  You will be so glad you did.  Thank you, Michelle, for this amazing resource and for becoming a great friend!"

Laura Ortner, Fertility Coach

“Five years ago I was told that I would not be able to get pregnant. As time went on people asked me to share my story, but I realized I wanted to do more. I decided to become a fertility coach to help women in similar situations get pregnant naturally, or help them increase their likelihood of success during IVF. I had received a certification on getting women pregnant naturally, but Michelle's course really filled the void on assisted reproductive treatments. I learned so much about the different options and supplements. I would definitely recommend this course. It was very informational and well structured."

Hear what my students had to say after enrolling in this program!


Clarissa Briones- Fertility Health Coach & Functional Hormone Specialist

"The Wholesome Fertility Method should be a required curriculum for anyone serving fertility clients.  Michelle does an excellent job of explaining the importance of empathy and sensitivity, so that you build a foundation of trust with your clients. After completing this program, I felt equipped with a thorough understanding of the various nuances unique to the fertility industry. Her holistic approach to supporting women on their fertility journey is empowering and effective. Fertility is more than just a physical process and Michelle does a beautiful job of weaving in the psychological and energetic components as well. Every client is unique and this approach blends ancient wisdom with modern science to create the perfect balance of both. I'm grateful for the knowledge I've gained throughout this program and now have helpful resources to refer back to as I support my clients on their beautiful and sacred path to motherhood." 

Are you ready to start your dream business?

Imagine having a thriving fertility business where you create your own signature program in order to help couples thrive?

You will be in a position to empower so many people when they need it most!


Lindsay Goodwin, LAc., FABORM, CLC 

Fertility & Women's Health Expert Soul-Master Mentor 

“The Wholesome Fertility Method practitioner program is fantastic! I can't express enough how incredible Michelle is in her knowledge, teaching skills, and ability to guide you through coaching clients struggling with fertility or undergoing fertility treatments. This program covers everything you'll need to launch your fertility coaching business or enhance your fertility medicine practice. Whether you're already a licensed provider or just starting if you want to make a difference in people's fertility journeys, look no further than the Wholesome Fertility Method practitioner program. Michelle stands out as the most comprehensive and effective program I've encountered. With her extensive experience working with patients in fertility medicine, she offers much more than just another coaching program. You're genuinely getting a wealth of knowledge and support from a true leader in the field of reproductive medicine."

Frequently Asked Questions

Ayomitide Isaac-Oyedepo, Fertility Coach

“I can’t recommend Michelle’s program enough because she clearly knows what she is doing.  I’d recommend this course to anyone who wants to be a fertility coach and is looking for a step by step guide in the process of coaching as well as information on fertility conditions, the IVF process, and getting pregnant naturally.  The program is worth every dime you put into it!"

No need to put your dreams on hold

It's your time to actualize your purpose as a fertility coach...

I sometimes have to pinch myself when thinking of how lucky I got to do this type of work.

There is nothing better than knowing that what you do for a living not only impacts other people's lives but also allows you to live out your dream of having a potentially booming fertility business!

Here's what's waiting for you on the other side:

  • A step-by-step, clear action plan on how to help couples conceive.
  • Freedom to work for yourself and set your own schedule!
  • Feeling an incredible sense of reward for what you do!
  • Start your career in a booming fertility coaching profession!

Dr. Melissa Levy, DACM, AP, Dipl. OM

Integrative Wellness Center of Jacksonville

I am incredibly grateful for Michelle. The content she provided for the program was outstanding, featuring excellent resources. The program was well-organized and concise, which I greatly appreciated. The one-on-one coaching sessions were invaluable, and I’m so glad I chose to participate in them. Michelle's help and encouragement were immensely helpful. Thank you, Michelle!"